Slaughterhouse 5

Slaughterhouse 5
German Prisoner of War Camp

 Roster of Prisoners of War held at Slaughter House 5
Stalag 4b Muhlberg Sachsen 51 13

Arnold, Clifford
Baglio, Sam
Belanger, Willis
Benevidez, Jesse M.
Biscoe, Charles M.
Bloom, Nat
Brauer, Walter
Brown, Ellsworth E.
Coyle, Dick
Curto, Louis V.
Dake, Leonard
Davenport, Judson
Diller, Max
Donnini, James M.
Doxsee, Gifford B. 106/423/3BN/HQ
Emerson, Izera
Epstein, Sol
Feldman, Hyman
Fraugella, Russell
Friechill (or Frichill), Alfred
Frye, Norwood
Gar, Lee Bow
Giles, Sam
Goetz, Donald
Greengold, Martin
Haydock, Thomas R.
Hayes, John R.
Heavner, James
Hroch, Albert
Humphreye, unk
Kimpel, Clair
Kobylas, Chet
Ksrazek (or Krazek), Stanley
Larsen, Charles
Leibowitz, Nathan 
28th Division Captured 12/18/1944
Lennogonis, Pete
Makowske, Raymond T.
Metcalfe, George
Mills, James 106/423/3BN/I
Mitchell, Dever D.
Mullins, James
Niklas, Carl
Pandolf, Henrico
Spear, Leonard
Szpek, Ervin  106/423/3BN/I
Troxel, Wayman E.
Uciferro, Carlo
Valdez, Joe
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
Voorhis, Andrew J.
Wood, Robert H., Jr.

source: Scott Goldstein, Grandson of Nathan Leibowitz. 03/14/2013

Found my grandfather (Nathan Leibowitz) book of POW close mates when he was in Slaughterhouse 5 (Stalag 4b Muhlberg Sachsen 51 13)

Blue indicates additions to Mr. Goldstein's list, from other sources.


This list supplied by ERVIN SZPEK Jr.

Abell, Albert E 423/Cannon 34 515 320 Pfc 5/4/18 3/1/96
Allen, Robert G 422/A 37 691 978 3/9/16 1/4/08
Arnold, Clifford  ◄ 423/I 34 895 681 Pfc 1/12/14 8/1/68
Ballowe, Thomas W 423/K 37 730 201 Pfc 11/11/25 7/24/05
Balzarini, John 590th FA/B 36 770 573 7/3/25  
Barry, David M  ◄ 423/I 36 689 930 Pvt* 8/20/15 3/1/94
Belanger, Willis R 28thID/110th   12/10/16 5/30/87
Benavides, Jesse M  ◄ 422/M 18 089 655 Pvt   5/9/45
Benschneider, Arnold 423/I 35 294 470 Pfc 7/1/25 10/9/92
Bernard, Paul L  Jr  ◄ 590th FA 31 366 084     1/12/25 2/22/95
Biscoe, Charles M 28thID/110th   11/23/24 11/28/99
Bloomingburg, George L 423/I 35 725 976 Pfc 3/12/23 2/9/01
Boone, Herbert 423/B 35 811 988 Pvt 10/14/25 8/19/97
Bowman, Lawrence H ◄ 423/I 33 845 151 Pvt 3/1/11 10/25/72
Brown, Ellsworth E ◄ 423/I 36 677 526 Pfc 10/5/10 11/12/90
Bryd, Lloyd E Jr 422/HQ 1st Bt 31 391 846    31391846 9/5/25 4/1/07
Burns, William R 423/Service Co 32 748 828 Pvt 10/23/23 1/7/94
Burnside, Julian B ◄ 423/M 34 545 394 Pfc 1/8/24 4/8/05
Clark, Utah C 28thID/110th/HQ 8/16/16 1/15/99
Cooper, Ashley D M  ◄ 423/F 34 926 042 Pfc 10/14/25 5/30/46
Coyle, Richard A 423/F 15 121 904 Pvt 10/8/25 6/22/99
Craig, Cecil L ◄ 423/G 37 533 201 Pfc 11/30/24 9/0/11
Crone, Edward R, Jr 423/HQ 2nd Bn 12 216 546 Pvt 10/26/23 4/11/45
Crossen, William J. 18th Cav   9/13/23 2/2/89
Crummy, James E ◄ 423/HQ 33 230 296 Pvt 5/11/14 1/30/96
Cunningham, George A 423/K 38 591 220 Pvt 7/17/14 4/10/92
Curto, Louis V ◄ 28thID/110th   12/17/16 4/20/85
Davis, Richard  E ◄ 423/HQ 2nd Bn 35 749 210 Pfc 10/16/21 10/29/95
Deck, Robert B 423/C 33 563 091 Pfc 7/10/24 2/11/98
Diller, Max R 423/I 37 737 930 Pfc 8/24/15 2/17/07
Dockery, James W ◄ 590th FA 36 776 250 7/9/07 4/25/88
Donnini, James M 423/HQ 2nd Bn 13 122 671 Pfc 7/24/24  
Doxsee, Gifford B 423/HQ 3rd Bn 12 199 995 Pfc 7/4/24  
Dunay, Stephen P      6/25/21 4/4/87
Elliot, William ◄ 423/Cannon 34 762 376 Pfc 1/12/24 4/11/66
Emerson, Ezra E ◄ 423/A 32 091 857 Pvt 10/16/16 9/7/88
Engle, Phillip ◄ 28thID/110th   9/30/26 8/13/70
Erbes, Richard 423/HQ 36 753 983 Pfc 8/9/24 4/26/99
Evans, Jack D 590th Arty Batt 33 553 730    
Finnegan, Paul J ◄ 423/G 33 160 268 Pfc 8/30/17 8/12/71
Flanagan, Edward J 590th FA/HQ 31 301 992 1/23/23 1/2/02
Flores, Salvador A ◄ 28thID/110th   1/31/23 10/21/91
Forbush, Gordon H ◄ 422nd 39 926 988 2/23/23 12/21/06
Fox, Duane J 423/B 32 948 997 Pvt 9/5/25 7/24/01
Freed, John G ◄ 422nd 19 113 250  * 0/0/23  
Frinsko, Michael ◄ 28thID/110th   11/11/07 1/13/69
Frye, Norwood 81st Eng(C)/B T/5 3/15/24 5/16/08
Galloway, Walter T ◄ 423/K 34 834 183  Pfc 12/10/25 12/30/67
Garr, Lee Bow ◄ 423/C 32 654 611 Pvt    
Gibbs, Daniel P ◄     9/25/23 2/10/04
Giles, Samuel W 423/K 33 710 817 Pvt 9/27/25 5/22/97
Goetz, Donald F 423/C 37 691 952 Pfc 3/2/25 11/1/88
Gramling, Gerard F     0/0/25  
Graves, Lawrence J ◄ 423/D 32 587 957 Pfc 5/8/21 10/10/89
Grivetti, Louis G 423/K 33 714 626 Pvt 10/24/25 1/20/09
Hajdas, Joseph E 168th Engineers 3/30/25 11/19/95
Hall, Henry E 423/HQ 2nd Bn 34 770 862 Pfc 8/18/24 8/2/04
Hardesty, Gilbert F ◄ 423/HQ 2nd Bn 35 631 097 Pfc 10/20/24 11/2/69
Harding, Floyd 423/B 11 129 312 Pfc 0/0/24  
Hayduk, Thomas R ◄ 423/K 42 040 348 Pfc 5/14/25 4/0/81
Heavener, James L 423/M 32 948 127 Pvt 8/29/09 4/23/01
Heimbeck, Edward B ◄ 423/HQ 2nd Bn 36 481 860 Pvt 10/13/24 4/13/71
Henderson, Augustus A ◄ 423/B 11 024 833 Pvt 11/29/20 10/11/97
Hendricks, Ronald A 423/E 20 729 469 5/26/21 9/7/95
Hilliard, Marion E 422/C 38 565 874       
Hoffard, Vincent H  422/? 36 728 135 9/20/22 10/18/78
Hollingsworth, Ernest B 423/F 34 985 017 Pvt   7/19/85
Hroch, Albert ◄ 590th Arty Batt 36 621 299 3/1/12 2/19/02
Humphries, Eldred D ◄ 590th Arty Batt 14 176 166 11/25/22 10/12/07
Ingle, Earnest M 423/G 34 877 099 Pvt 0/0/25 5/17/61
Johnston, George, Jr ◄ 422nd   7/24/17 1/26/90
Johnston, Nelson ◄ 423/A 36 900 676 Pfc 2/27/08 10/14/72
Jones, Thomas A, Jr 423/HQ 2nd Bn 34 688 604 Pfc 2/9/24 5/5/98
Kelton, Robert T 423/HQ 2nd Bn 16 121 054 Pfc 10/3/23 11/8/09
Kimpel, Clair E 423/F 35 297 429 Pvt 9/28/25 4/7/95
Kingston, Harry E J ◄ 423/E 33 469 422 Pfc 4/20/20 3/27/91
Kmush, Stephen E 422/C   10/12/25 1/13/02
Knoll, Robert A 423/I 31 459 415 Pfc 10/18/20 2/2/84
Kobylas, Chester W 422/M 36 588 312 3/5/24 9/23/08
Kruse, Richard L ◄ 423/HQ 2nd Bn 35 055 855 Pvt 5/21/24 3/1/84
Lamb, Gerald L 423/I 15 127 775 Pfc 10/22/25  
Lawson, Charles W, Jr ◄ 423/F 31 428 325 Pfc  6/5/74
Larson, Lewis A ◄ 590th FA 39 178 980 3/3/18 2/10/70
Lawson, Douglas W ◄ 423/Service Co 33 647 279 Pvt 0/0/24  
LeClair, Henry ◄ 422/? 31 429 423 11/22/25 10/10/81
Lehr, Robert M ◄       12/8/62
Lemonis, Pete S 422/M 34 917 994  9/9/17 2/9/08
Liebowitz, Nathan M ◄ 28thID/110th   10/10/10? 5/?/70
Lorenz, Lawrence R 423/HQ 3rd Bn 36 567 400 Pfc 8/24/24  
Makowske, Raymond T 423/K 33 850 337 Pfc 6/24/25 6/10/03
Malnati, Giacomo ◄ 423/C 31 459 316 Pfc 12/15/10 7/13/87
Maloney, Edward S  422/A 34 845 526 12/3/24 1/30/01
Mathis, Clarence ◄ 423/? 34 975 238 5/21/16 8/13/77
McEwen, Bruce B ◄ 423/B 39 472 656 Pvt 0/0/10 3/5/60
McLea, Floyd T 423/L 32 374 433 Pfc 2/17/14 5/26/88
Mills, James M 423/I 37 685 038 Pfc 11/25/25  
Minc, Joseph F ◄ 423/I 35 246 600 Pfc 7/26/25 2/16/83
Moore, Cleo J ◄ 422/K 37 674 890 Pvt 5/30/15 10/14/96
Moore, Harroun F 423/A 38 682 960 Pfc     12/19/22 6/9/06
Moran, James F ◄ 423/F 33 805 789 Pvt 10/7/25 8/14/79
Moxim, Steve J     1/12/17 10/3/71
Mullin, James F ◄ 423/A 42 102 603 Pfc 9/7/25 9/28/85
Neff, Charles ◄ 82nd AB/507   9/18/23 12/10/74
Nicholas, Santo ◄ 423/F 32 508 919 Pfc 8/22/21 5/28/02
Nicholson, Roy E ◄ 422/M 69 182 51 Pfc 8/22/23 2/20/98
Niklas, Carl F ◄ 423/I 38 692 662 Pvt 3/17/16 10/11/91
O'Hare, Bernard V, Jr 423/HQ 2nd Bn 13 146 070 Pfc 4/26/23 6/8/90
Oksendal, Norval N 423/E 37 588 093 Pfc 0/0/17 12/19/65
Palaia, Michael D 423/I 33 802 017 Pfc 5/7/25 3/11/45
Palmer, James ◄ 95th ID/377th   12/16/16 6/26/87
Parks, Fred D 423/K 36 462 790 Pfc 0/0/19  
Patrick, Elmer 423/HQ 3rd Bn 15 041 177 Pvt 8/25/20 10/8/95
Pena, Manuel ◄ 422/K 31 459 321 Pfc 2/23/17 8/21/75
Pulkkinen, Henry ◄ 590th FA 35 025 020 3/3/16 11/22/79
Ratliff, Richard E 423/Cannon 35 221 968 Pfc* 0/0/21  
Rickard, Richard M 423/I 33 901 692 Pvt 0/0/25 5/10/45
Riedl, Walter W 422/K 36 957 722 Pfc 8/25/23  
Riley, Rufus T ◄ 423/I 34 966 673 Pvt 3/13/14 1/30/78
Rios, Ernest H ◄ 423/C 38 559 074 Pfc 9/21/25 5/1/08
Ross, Alexander S ◄ 28thID/110th 36 957 722 Pfc   5/14/25 4/19/95
Sauer, Maurice M, Jr 590th FA/HQ 36 810 956 *   5/23/23 1/15/02
Schack, William F ◄ Army Air Corp 37 735 770 * 5/31/20 4/6/84
Schulte, Lloyd H 422/? 37 735 770 6/21/07 6/3/69
Schultz, Victor F ◄ 423/H 32 753 467 Pfc 12/8/23 8/5/55
Sellers, Bayne F 422/? 31 216 943 5/19/22 2/24/77
Shook, George H ◄ 423/Service Co 31 039 865 Pfc 11/17/17 2/5/73
Slattery, Robert J ◄ 589th FA/HQ 36 456 674 Pfc 3/23/13 6/26/99
Slavin, William R 423/I 16 175 264 Pvt 10/3/25  
Smith, Harold E ◄ 423/Service Co 36 829 273 Pfc 11/11/11 10/19/81
Smith, Jerome P ◄ 423/HQ 2nd Bn 33 574 789 Pfc 9/23/24 5/29/85
Stachowiak, Henry F ◄ 423/?   2/16/12 9/22/89
Stewart, Walter O ◄ 423/B 36 106 937 Pvt 12/16/16 5/15/78
Strole, Robert L ◄ 423/M 36 648 631 Pfc 10/22/25 7/4/98
Strong, George W 423/HQ 39 215 070 Pvt 12/30/18  
Stumpf, Clifford L 422/C 37 051 340   10/12/18 10/20/02
Suttles, John H 423/K 14 181 428 Pfc 12/27/25 10/27/81
Sweeney, Edgar J ◄       6/14/67
Szpek, Ervin E 423/I 36 836 922 Pfc 8/17/25  
Tatman, Carl J 422/AntiTank 36 801 139 6/0/22  
Thayer, William ◄     10/8/20 10/0/83
Thomas, Clyde J 422/M 37 051 712 6/15/13 6/20/08
Topicz, Joseph 423/E 35 882 976 Pvt 9/9/13 11/19/94
Tortorici, Frank J 422/B 31 358 237 5/30/23 2/29/00
Troxel, Wayman D 423/I 35 898 975 Pfc 9/24/25 10/2/07
Trull, Leonard R ◄ 423/A 31 431 698 Pfc 11/20/2016 2/21/67
Uciferro, Carlo ◄ 422/C? 31 446 539 4/15/20 6/9/08
Valdez, Joseph A ◄ 28thID/110th   7/20/17 1/29/04
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr 423/HQ 2nd Bn 12 102 964 Pfc 11/11/22 4/11/07
Voorhies, Andrew J ◄ 423/I 36 889 204 Pvt 8/16/25 4/5/84
Voytek, Frank J 422/? 33 434 312 9/24/21 4/5/01
Wade, Wallace R 423/F 31 428 454 Pfc 10/17/25  
Watson, Dale H ◄ 423/A 36 952 197 Pfc 10/19/25  
Weems, Urcil A ◄ 423/G 34 984 969 Pvt 4/20/14 8/22/65
Weissman, Val E, Jr 423/?   8/25/25 7/8/01
Wood, Robert H,Jr ◄ 423/K 38 194 577 Pfc 6/4/23 10/30/90
Zara, George D 590th FA/B * 6/9/21  
Zicker, Gordon B 423/HQ Cpl 11/28/23 8/23/02
?Schlater, Charles L     0/0/18 12/0/82
?Blair, John         
?Hediner, Walter S        
?Cagle, Dick        
?Carter, James 423/G 34 965 444 Pvt    


Page last revised 03/17/2013
James D. West